We’re back! I’ve been pretty quiet in the mountain biking world as a ton of other things, like a global pandemic and the fight to end police brutality have taken center stage in the world.
I found myself a bit lost on how to proceed with EverydayMTB.com. But now, I think I see the way forward.

On the cusp of Covid 19 taking hold in the U.S. I attended the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival. In retrospect, I shouldn’t have been there, but I’ll talk more on that later. Coming out the other end of that experience here are a few things that have been solidified for me on the direction of this site:
- A strict “no industry bullshit” policy: It’s always been our policy to remain independent from brands and disclose if they send us free gear. That will remain. In addition, expect us to come down hard on products that don’t work or don’t live up to our expectations. We won’t be pulling any punches and we aren’t in the pockets of ANY brands.
- Representing Riders Who Put in the Work: There is a lot of MTB marketing built around drinking beers, partying, and being “rad”. We love knocking back beers with riding buddies as much as the next rider, but we’ll be focusing on the hard work, grit, adventure, mental toughness, and skill that it takes to take your bike to places you never thought possible. Mountain biking isn’t always pretty and is often painful. We’ll celebrate that.
- Less News More Reviews: EverydayMTB is a relatively small site and we honestly don’t have the ear of every PR manager at every bike brand. Instead of providing you with the same press release that you’ll find at 10 other sites, we’ll provide you with honest, independent reviews and opinion peices that you can trust are not colored by brand marketing dollars.
- Encouraging “Riding Local”: In the current health climate of the world, riding local is important. You can expect us to focus less on riding destinations for the time being to protect sensitive communities and environments.
- More Opinions: Expect to hear more opinions on things like e-bikes, trail design, industry leadership, and technology. You may agree or you may disagree, but we’ll take you along for the ride.
In closing, cheers to a weird and wonderful 2020 riding season! We’re only getting started.